NOTICE OF CONSULTATION SECTION 106 OF THE NATIONAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT OF 1966 AS AMENDED (2006) TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS, PHASE 17 AHUPUA’A OF WAIKI-KI-I, HONOLULU, MOANALUA, KA-NE’OHE, HE’EIA, AND KAILUA; DISTRICTS OF KONA AND KO’OLAUPOKO; ISLAND OF O’AHU FEDERAL-AID PROJECT NO. STP-0001(60) TAX MAP KEY(S): (1) 2-7-027 and 028; (1) 2-8-024; (1) 2-3-009 and 011; (1) 2-4-002 AND 003; (1) 1-1-005; (1) 4-5-015 and 019; (1) 4-6-002, 011, 018, and 021; and (1) 4-3-054, 055, and 056 Notice is hereby given that the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), State of Hawai’i Department of Transportation – Highways Division, and City and County of Honolulu Department of Transportation Services is proposing the next phase (Phase 17) of a multi-phase traffic signal project on O’ahu. It is considered a federal action and undertaking, as defined by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966, as amended (2006). Phase 17 of the proposed project involves traffic signal work at six (6) locations as listed and depicted in the attached regional map. 1. South King Street and Church Lane (Mo-‘ili’ili) 2. South King and Pensacola Street (Ala Moana) 3. A-hua Street and Kilihau Street (Moanalua) 4. Kamehameha Highway and Pa – hi’a Road (Ka-ne’ohe) 5. Kamehameha Highway and Hai’ku- Road (Ka – ne’ohe) 6. Kuulei Road and Aulike Street (Kailua) Work at all of the sites are anticipated to remain within the existing road right-ofway. The proposed Area of Potential Effect (APE) boundaries for each of the sites are generally within the intersection and on the approaches to the intersection where associated signal facilities, traffic control striping and signs may be required. Work on sites involving only modifications to the existing system with no excavation required will generally be confined to surface features located in sidewalk areas. Pursuant to Section 106 of the NHPA, Native Hawaiian Organizations and Native Hawaiian descendants with ancestral, lineal or cultural ties to, cultural knowledge or concerns for, and cultural or religious attachment to the proposed project areas are requested to contact Mr. Joshua Takano via email at Joshua.takano@, or by U.S. Postal Service to City and County of Honolulu, Department of Transportation Services, 650 S. King Street 3rd floor, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. Please respond by August 30, 2017.