NOTICE OF LIEN SALE STORQUEST SELF STORAGE StorQuest Self Storage will sell at public sale by Competitive bidding the personal property of: Waipahu-Farrington 94-299 Farrington Hwy Waipahu Dino Medeiros $535.07, Marie Mattos $363.13, Motulu Ate $185.35 & Taylor Wagen $195.81 Kakaako-850 Kawaiahao St 4Th Floor Kevin Foss $100.63, Brian A Covell $368.59, Brian A Covell $185.35, Kathryn- Elizabeth Moniz $371.71 & Richard Grimes $62.83 Kalihi- 750 Umi St. Vance Hunt $874.35, Anthony Bee $525.65, Norisa Kovac $90.05, Robert Kalahiki Jr $317.26, Chasity Tuiloma $431.39, Kanani Lincoln $574.76, Chester Baptista $309.94, Ikaika Aukai $138.21 Property to be sold: Misc., household goods, furniture, tools, clothes, boxes, toys and personal content. Sale will commence at 9:00 AM on July 26, 2017 until 5:00 PM on July 28, 2017 at Sale is subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between owner and obligated party. Giovanna Millan, Alyson Goodness & Kanani Fox Property Managers. (SA1010139 7/12, 7/19/17)