The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001281575-01
Notices to Bidders

Request for Bid
Harbor Village
Building Maintenance Contract

Request for bid for two (2) full-time maintenance people at Harbor Village, 901 River St., Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii. Point of contact is Johnny Smith at (808) 528-2753. Specifications will be provided at the mandatory site visit on June 3rd at 10:00 am.
Bid Due Date: June 10, 2020. All responsive contractors must possess a valid Hawaii Contractors License, be in good standing with DCCA, provide acceptable insurance, and register and be compliant with Hawaii Compliance Express.

Request for Bid
Harbor Village
ADA Unit Conversions

Request for bid for seven (7) full ADA unit conversions at Harbor Village, 901 River St., Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii. Point of contact is Johnny Smith at
(808) 528-2753. Specifications will be provided at the mandatory site visit on June 3rd at 12 noon.
Bid Due Date: June 10, 2020. All responsive contractors must possess a valid Hawaii Contractors License, be in good standing with DCCA, provide acceptable insurance, and register and be compliant with Hawaii Compliance Express.

Request for Bid
Harbor Village
Landscaping Contract

Request for bid for exterior monthly landscaping maintenance at Harbor Village, 901 River St., Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii. Point of contact is Johnny Smith at (808) 528-2753. Specifications will be provided at the mandatory site visit on June 3rd at 2 pm. Bid Due Date: June 10, 2020. All responsive contractors must possess a valid Hawaii Contractors License, be in good standing with DCCA, provide acceptable insurance, and register and be compliant with Hawaii Compliance Express.

(SA1281575 5/31/20)