The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001045570-01
Notices to Creditors

SECOND CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE P. No. 17-1-0168(2); In the Matter of the Determination of Heirs of JOHN CLEMENT ERNSTBERG, aka JOHN C. ERNSTBERG, aka JOHN ERNSTBERG, Deceased. FILED, a Petition for the Determination of Heirs of JOHN CLEMENT ERNSTBERG, aka JOHN C. ERNSTBERG, aka JOHN ERNSTBERG, Deceased, praying for the determination of heirs so as to determine the rightful heirs to decedent’s interest in certain real properties situated on the Island of Maui, State of Hawaii bearing Tax Map Key No(s). (2) 2-9-008-011, (2) 2-9-007-015, (2) 2-9-007-014, and (2) 2-9-006-009. December 22, 2017, at 8:15 a.m., before the Judge presiding in Probate at Hoapili Hale in Wailuku, Hawaii, is the appointed time and place for hearing said Petition. A party objecting or responding to the Petition must file the objection or response with the court and serve it on interested persons within 30 days from the date of the first publication of this notice. DATED: Wailuku, Hawaii, October 30, 2017. N. Martins, Clerk. R. KA`ILI AKINA, ESQ.; Attorney for Petitioner, Tel: (808) 732-7788 (SA1045570 11/7, 11/14, 11/21/17)